Welcome to Kadama Medium

Kadama English Medium (KEM) established in 2000, are registered English medium schools of International standards imparting strong foundation of quality education through its Preparatory, and Primary levels. KEM works hand in gloves with the Tanzanian government to rekindle the used to be dwindling education standards.

Kadama English Medium


The philosophy of education of Kadama english medium is one which provides the very best teaching and learning environment possible. One which is caring and safe; developing the qualities of self-esteem, creative and critical thinking, respect for self and others and positive attitudes toward school and learning, it is the belief of our school that we should foster, in our students pride, self-confidence, and a love of learning, while they develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially into mature, responsible citizens. We are committed to the philosophy that the child must be placed at the centre of learning, actively acquiring skills needed to think clearly, communicate effectively to make sound decisions and to discriminate among values

Our Vision

The Mission of Kadama English Medium primary school (Kemps) is to develop children’s potential by providing for effective participation in a reputable and accessible primary education.

Our Mission

Kadama English medium primary school (KEMPS) envisions well-educated and empowered children who are potentially suitable for further education and eventually becoming highly resourceful to the society.

Join Kadama

Admission Criteria

A pupil to be admitted at Kadama for nursery level should have at least 3 years of age and a birth certificate but for primary level (by transfer) a pupil is required to have a prem number, birth certificate and undergo an examination interview. The grades that he/she should get in order to be accepted are A, B and C.

N.B :For the new entrants ( not by transfer ) who wish to join standard one, the only requirement is birth certificate.

Why Choose Us?


Academic Excellence

Sports and Recreation

Conducive Environment

On Campus Medical Facility

Freedom Of Worship